Coca-Cola Triumphantly Returns to Madagascar

Antananarivo, 8th febroary 2024 –  After a hiatus from the Malagasy market, Coca-Cola is making a triumphant comeback in Madagascar. Joined by its loyal companions, Fanta and Sprite, the renowned fizzy beverage is making waves, creating a flavor sensation in the local market. The exclusive distribution of Coca-Cola in Madagascar is entrusted to the subsidiary, Habibo Beverages, of the prominent player in the sector, Habibo Group. Habibo Group takes on the responsibility of bottling and distributing the complete range of beverages, providing Malagasy consumers with convenient access to iconic products.

The flagship beverages, Coca-Cola, Fanta, and Sprite, are available in practical PET formats of 350 ml and 1.5 L, catering to the diverse needs and preferences of consumers. With the experience and expertise of Habibo Group, consumers can expect exceptional quality and optimal service. Habibo Group positions itself as a trustworthy partner, ready to deliver the best to Malagasy customers.

It’s noteworthy that Coca-Cola’s return is not without rivalry, as Cola Word from Groupe Star Madagascar emerges as a formidable competitor in the local market. The beginning of a true cola battle is on the horizon, promising consumers a variety of choices and fierce competition between the two giants of carbonated beverages. The battle to conquer the taste buds of the Malagasy people has begun, and soda enthusiasts can anticipate a flavorful spectacle in the weeks to come.


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